C. EBP in nursing is waning in emphasis and was never fully implemented.
Evidence-based practice (EBP) is a method used in the areas of medicine and health with the aim of using scientific evidence and data to deliver the best high-quality care to patients.
Although this is a great method that has been proposed for over a decade now, it hasn't been fully implemented by nurses due to different reasons:
- Time: In a research study, scientists determined that nurses, although completely agree with this method, state that <u>they are unable to carry out this method mainly due to lack of time and heavy workload.</u>
- Lack of statistical knowledge: In the same study, nurses stated that they had <u>difficulty understanding statistical data</u> that were required to complete the method of EBP.
- Inability to understand technicisms: They also had a <u>difficult time while trying to understand jargon or medical technicisms </u>as many scientists overuse technical words in research papers, <u>creating a barrier for them to fully implement EBP.</u>
Therefore, <u>EBP in nursing hasn't been rejected but it has never been fully implemented.</u>
<span>Use the machine to increase the incline and intensity </span>
The fear appeal is a common thing used in the media and basically boils down to trying to get someone do what you want them to do by providing them with an example that strikes fear if they wouldn't do that. A recent example would be Trump and his rhethoric about Mexicans and Muslims.
I want to reach a skeet shooting score of 85 percent at the next competition.
I will improve my batting average by two points before the end of the season.