Dilemma: having to make a difficult decision between (usually 2) options, “I was in a dilemma because I couldn’t decide whether to snack now or eat a big dinner later.”, problem, predicament, difficulty
feebly: in a way that is weak or lacks strength, “My grandma feebly walked into the kitchen.”, awkwardly, clumsily.
persistent: to be dedicated to doing something and trying repeatedly, “The toddler was persistent while trying to stand up.”, dedicated, constancy
recoiled: to move back in fear, disgust, or horror, “She recoiled at the sight of the bug.”, flinch, wince
roused: to be woken up, “He roused from his nap after a couple hours.”, awaken, stimulate
skewed: to move out of tune, “Their face skewed as they began to cry.”, squint, slope, asymmetrical
summon: to bring someone to you urgently, “He summoned their dog with a treat.”, invite, call for
vastness: something of a large size (usually empty), “She looked upon the vast ocean at the beach.”, empty, big
hope these helped!! good luck with school and remember to take care of yourself :)
Meaning, they should be told what to do without question every once in while. Discipline/guidance/structure supported by the idea stated above.
It is called Alliteration. Alliteration is a literary device where words which are adjacent to each other share the same consonant sound at the beginning. "<span>Peter Piper Picked a Peck of Pickled Peppers" is an example of an alliteration. This literary device is often seen in poems. It is very evident in the literary piece "Beowulf"</span>