because they have a strong dislike for eachother. samson and gregory, servants from the house of capulet, hate the montagues and are openly discussing it. they see two montague servants, and discuss how best to start a fight without getting in trouble with the law, the flick their tongue or something and this starts a huge fight. benvolio from the montague and tybalt from the capulets are there. benvolio, in an effort to create peace, draws his sword. tybalt draws his sword and fights benvolio and tybalt come upon the servants fighting contrast their reactions benvolio - tells them to stop fighting tybalt - encourages the fighting, even tells benvolio to not be a coward
i looked it up by the way
the row number and serial nu#
Riddle: What is always in front of you but can’t be seen?
solution: The future.
Riddle: What’s black and white and blue?
Solution: A sad zebra.
Riddle: What has four eyes but can’t see?
Solution: Mississippi
Riddle: Where can you find cities, towns, shops, and streets but no people?
Solution: A map.
Riddle: What has a neck but no head?
Solution: A bottle.
All from
I'm not sure but if I had to guess if would be 4 :)
Brian declares bankruptcy, which triggers an automatic stay. This blocks creditors from suing.
In times of crisis, it is not uncommon for people to suffer from declines in their revenues and accumulation of debts, rapidly deteriorating their financial situations and making them fear even bankruptcy.
When the bankruptcy occurs, it will cause an automatic stay. Auto stay is a rule that prevents the action of creditors automatically, so creditors are unable to collect the debt of those who are bankrupt and prevents them from acquiring some property such as houses and cars.