Answer: Zeus said those words. He pronounced them in order to let Poseidon know that the god of the sea can do whatever he wants when it comes to take revenge against the Phaeacians for helping Odysseus.
Explanation: In Book XIII from <em>Odyssey, </em>Poseidon tells Zeus that the Phaeacians have gone against his orders and have helped Odysseus. Poseidon feels that the Phaeacians have shown no respect for the god of the sea and; as a result, he needs to take revenge against them in order not to lose his honor. In reply to Poseidon's complaint, Zeus says: "If any man, so lost in his strength and prowess, pays you no respect—just pay him back. The power is always yours. Do what you like. Whatever warms your heart". <u>What Zeus tries to say is that Poseidon can do whatever he wants to do to avenge himself and to teach the Phaeacians a lesson in order for them not to show disrespect for a god ever again. </u>
Zeus says it. It is probably suggesting that it is a free world, and that you can do as you please. "If any man, so lost in his strength and prowess, pays you no respect- just pay him back. the power is always yours. DO WHAT YOU LIKE. Whatever warms your heart"