1. Y-axis is type of sound being measured X-axis is the decibels/sound level for type of sound being measured
2. Whisper - 20 decibels, normal taking - 60 decibels, rock concert - 120 decibels
3. every ten decibels is ten times as loud. If a whisper is 20 decibels and normal talking is 60 decibels then normal talking is 40 times as intense as whispering
4. Rock concert, pain threshold and jet plane could be painful if exposed to them
My favorite animal is either a bunny or wolf
I believe this question is trying to get you to realize the difference between acquired traits(one you get through doing something during life) and heritable traits(ones from Mom/Dad). For example, I really wish I was 6 foot 4... but the height trait comes genetically from your parents since it is coded in my DNA how tall I will be, therefore this trait must be passed down genetically and somewhere down the evolutionary tree the humans in the region which my family comes from was better off being short. An example that comes from acquired traits could be muscularity... my parents are both not very muscular but throughout my lifetime I enjoy working out and have become much more muscular, no matter how much your parents or grandparents lift weights YOU won't change so that change must be acquired through aging during your lifetime. Now the amount of muscle your body can put on is a heritable thing but that is beside the point. Hope this helps :)
1. A. Pseudomonas and E. coli
2. B. Red without black center
3. B. Salmon/orange
Pseudomonas is referred to as an oxidase positive bacteria while E. Coli is an oxidase negative bacteria. The use of the oxidase test will be helpful in the differentiation of the two Bacteria according to their oxidase activity/properties.
Colonies of Red without black center color is what is expected on HE agar if shigellosis is suspected.
Colonies of Salmon/Orange color is what is expected on HE agar if Enterococcus sp. is suspected.
How does energy control the loss of water to a hypertonic enviorment to avoid dehydration?