Despite the fact that both parents are still blood type A, Dad has the option of passing either the A or the O gene variant.
Mom can also transmit either an A or an O. As a result, you can see that a child has a 1 in 4 probability, or 25% chance, of having blood type O. However, it is theoretically feasible for two O-type parents to have an AB or B blood type child (although this is even more unlikely). In fact, if you take into account the rule-breaking cases, a child can acquire practically any blood type. Having an A parent and a B parent can result in a child with the blood types A, B, AB, or O.
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Relative dating determines how old it is
Homologous chromosomes contain the same genes and the same locations, or loci but may have different alleles. But jsut so this definition makes sense, lets define some of the words.
A gene contains the traits that is passed down from two parents to its offspring. An allele is one part of a pair of genes that are located in a particular spot that controls the same trait.