- Dependent variable: number of cells that are in one of the phases of mitosis
In an experiment, the independent variable is the variable that is not changed by the other variables that are being measured during the experiment (in this case, the independent variable is represented by the distances from the root cap). On the other hand, the dependent variable is the variable that is being measured/tested during the experimental procedure and, therefore, is 'dependent' on the independent variable. In consequence, in an experiment, the dependent variable is expected to change as a result of the manipulation of the independent variable.
oxygen is an element and water is a compound
oxygen is made up of two atoms and water is made up of two elements
The culture might not be stained properly or the culture might be too old.
Gram staining is done to differentiate between gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria according to the difference in their cell wall. In gram staining, the gram-positive bacteria appears violet and gram-negative bacteria appear pink in color.
Therefore if a pure culture contains have both red and purple cocci that it can be concluded that the gram stating was not done properly like too much destaining was done or too much safranin was used or maybe the culture is too old so that cell wall of some bacteria degrades.
GAU to GAC is least likely to change phenotype of an organism.
Phenotype of an organism is defined as the physical characteristics of an organism. This phenotype is dependent on the genotype of the organisms. This means the phenotypic characters are actually the expressions of the genes of the organisms. Now the genes are expressed in form of codons that are the three nitrogen base sequences. Each codon codes for a particular amino acid which in turn polymerises to from the protein which actually forms the phenotype of the organism.
Now there are 20 amino acids and 64 codons. Thus there are more than 1 codons for a single amino acid. So, if a codon is replaced by another codon which codes for same amino acid, then the phenotype is least likely to be affected.
Both the GAU and GAC codes for aspartic acid. So the phenotype won't be affected much by this mutation
The order in which the amino-acids are placed within the polypeptide determines the tertiary structure and therefore the function of the given protein. Amino acids have different functional groups like methyl(CH3), phenyl(C6H5). Those functional groups can interact with molecules like glucose determining reactions, the proteins that catalyze reactions are called enzymes. Other functional groups of amino acids can be the sulfate groups. For example, insulin has 2 polypeptide chains(Chain A has 21 amino acids, and chain B, 30). Between the two polypeptide chains, 2 disulfide bonds form altering its shape.