National service provider (NSP)
Regional service provider (RSP)
Internet service provider (ISP)
National service providers (NSP) are companies that own the internet backbone infrastructure which other second party internet service providers can link to. Examples of NSPs are Orange, Sprint, AT&T etc.
It typically provides fibre optic cables and core routers which the ISPs link to in order to provide internet exchange for the customers.
Regional service provider (RSP) are basically ISPs operating within a region. Unlike ISPs, they cover only defined regions. Examples are New England's NEARNet which provides internet access for residents of New England and the San Francisco Bay area BARNet for San Francisco Bay resident.
Internet service provider (ISP) are the direct link to the customers. Many NSPs also act as ISPs by using routers that can transfer network from the backbone network exchange to the receiving equipment of the end users such as mobile phones, computers etc. Examples of ISPs are AT&T, Comcast and Verizon.
Emotions-based social relationship.
An emotions-based relationship, as its name suggests, is that of which an individual or both of them have deep positive emotional conections which makes the emotion the greatest value of said relationship. As Kathy grew up, she started to tend to those relationship that provoked positive emotions in her, rather than value others due to proximity, like a coworker.
This is really simple to do. I suggest you pick your favorite song, movie, or book, one that's appropriate for school or for others to listen too, and write about it and what makes you understand life, or what makes it relatable to you.
Example if I chose a song:
Song: Navajo by Masego
"Everywhere this little girl goes
, She picks up another obstacle..." I feel like everyone can relate to this song because of this lyric. It doesn't matter where you go or end up in life, there will always be hardships that you have to go through. You might have people in your corner trying to help you or only wanting the best for you because they see that you're struggling, but sometimes they might not help you in the way you need to be helped or they might be too late in trying to do so. "I don't know the tribe or the fall
, but by default she don't think of me
. I thought she was an Indian..." With this lyric I feel as though people only see what they wanna see or hear. There's two sides to every story but people and outsiders only see what you let them see. This song inspires me because it just makes me realize that not everything is what it seems and people will do whatever it takes to find happiness. I feel like everyone should work hard for what they want.
Okay so this is an example of what I would do. I'm not in your class so you should try to apply key terms to your paragraph and concepts from your unit or course. Also make this your own, don't use my exact example. Choose your favorite song or movie and pick out 2 or 3 quotes to use from them to help guide you in writing your own paragraph. I hope this will help you out some.
Participating in sports has a positive influence in many areas. It supports positive mental health and improves social skills along with promoting physical health. Participating in sports develops healthy living habits that provide physical benefits such as developing coordination, physical fitness, and strength.