Nationalism is an ideology which affects social, political and economic political systems. It is based on the protection of sovereignty of the country and maintaining a national identity free of foreign intervention. It defends and promotes national interest over foreign relations.
Imperialism is an ideology or practice that promotes expansion and dominion over other countries, aquiring new territories and colonies, and exercising control over them.
For example, during World War II, the Japanese government promoted a nationalistic ideology amongst the people to create unity against foreign invasion and colonization. Fear was used to generate nationalism, because they acted in response to foreign threats. Nationalism affects Imperialism because it reinforces the idea of one country being better than the other. Fear of external intervention leads to the idea the "offence is the best defense": in order to protect our nation, we have to expand our territory. It can be said that nationalism becomes an excuse for imperialism.
had banks lend money to railroads
They used what they industrialized to take over and fight other countries
The answer is "amend". Think of the amendments ^^
Imperialism is a political and military philosophy in which one country or government seeks to conquer other countries and societies and bring them under the control or influence of the invading country.
Imperialism is often associated with the economic theory of mercantilism, in which the conquering country (known as the metropole) becomes the center of manufacturing and production while the conquered countries (the colonies) become the suppliers of raw natural goods. Under a mercantilist system, the point of having colonies is to enrich the metropole.
Imperialism takes a number of forms. There's settler colonialism, where a metropole established colonies to gather raw goods or resources (New York and Jamestown are examples). There's religious imperialism, in which a country invades other countries for the purposes of spreading a religion (Spain was infamous for this) or establishes religious communities abroad (as in Massachusetts Bay).
Imperialism has also existed for ages and ages. The Romans are one famous example, but virtually every country in Western Europe (France, Britain, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Belgium, etc) had an empire at one point. But so did the Japanese, the Russians, the Zulus, and the Comanches.