Because Europe recolonized Africa for more expansion.
For the third time, Ligonier Ministries has examined the State of Theology in the United States, conducted by LifeWay Research and based on interviews with 3,000 Americans. The survey, also conducted in 2014 and 2016, offers a detailed look at the favorite heresies of evangelicals and of Americans at large.
To show that the topic is about the Nile
local tax money should be used to pay for public services for the community
The Rwandan Civil War was between the Hutu's and the Tutsi's.
The Hutu's made up a large majority of the population. However, a Hutu Manifesto published in the middle of the 20th century claimed that the minority group of the country (the Tutsis) were manipulating and controlling the government. Essentially, they were blaming the Tutsi for the problems in Rwanda. This helped lead to the Rwandan Civil War and the Rwandan genocide.