Step-by-step explanation:
Recall that for

, i.e. a random variable

following a binomial distribution over

trials and with probability parameter


So you have

The expected value of

is simply

, while the standard deviation is

. In this case, they are


, respectively.
Rule up a graph sheet and text it to me so I can help
Since Paula has her own business of making cakes for special occasions, and the total price (P) of one of Paula's cakes is represented by the equation P = 0.75S +10, where S is the number of people the cake serves, for determine what does the 0.75 represent in this situation and what does the 10 represent in this equation, the following mathematical reasoning must be carried out:
P is the price of the cake
S is the number of servings
Therefore, 0.75 is the value of each serving, which can be variable (the number of servings can vary)
In turn, 10 is the fixed cost of each cake.
1= 2,400 feet
2= 154 meters
3= 120 pints
4= 2. 056 centigrams
5= 16.1 C
6= 50F
7= -2.8C
1= multiply the length value by 3
2= divide the length value by 10
3= multiply the volume value by 8
4= divide the mass value by 10
5= Take the °F temperature and subtract 32. Multiply this number by 5. Divide this number by 9 to obtain your answer in °C.
6= multiply the temperature in degrees Celsius by 2, and then add 30 to get the (estimated) temperature in degrees Fahrenheit.