<span>There option was to teach people the religion.</span>
The letter from Samuel Johnson shown above was made as a refusal to request a woman who would like to receive sponsorship from a bishop to send her son to university.
In the Letter, Johnson explains the reasons that led him to reject this request, stating that they cannot ask the bishop he does not know, sponsorship for a boy the bishop does not know. This is because this type of sponsorship was something very big, with great economic expense. Therefore, this was not offered to strangers, but only to people with whom the sponsors had knowledge and a certain intimacy.
In this letter, Johnson makes recurring use of ethos and logos. He uses ehos, when he shows that he is rejecting the request in the most ethical and respectable way possible, and, he uses logos, when he shows that the refusal is not being made for personal reasons, but for the logic of the situation.
Finally, Johnson says that he believes that the woman's son is a brilliant boy and that it is not necessary for him to go to university to be a great man.
What are the causes of domestic and international terrorism? (Check
all that apply)
a) High unemployment among youth of color
b) Lack of hope for their futures
c) Lack of engagement in the democratic process
d) Increasing poverty in both poor and developed countries
e) Spread of terrorist ideologies through social media
f) Respect for their religious and cultural beliefs
g) Spread of cheap weapons, explosives, and guns