Answer: 1800 centimeters is the largest measurement
1800 cm = 0.018 km
2.1 m = 0.0021 km
0.0017 km is the smallest
calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, chloride, zinc, sodium, sulfur
Opportunistic, endogenous pathogen
Opportunistic infection is an infection that is caused by the microbes that are otherwise the component of one's own normal microbiota. Under particular conditions, the microbes become pathogenic and cause infection. The pathogen-derived from one's own microbiota is called endogenous pathogen.
According to the given information, <em>Candida albicans </em>is a part of the microflora of mouth but becomes pathogenic under certain conditions. In healthy individuals, they do not produce disease as their overgrowth is suppressed by other microbiota and other host resistance mechanisms. The infection occurs only in those individuals with predisposing factors such as weakened immune system or after consumption of antibacterial medications that disturb the normal microbiota and immune competency. This makes it an opportunistic, endogenous pathogen.
Helikazlar tüm canlılar için hayatî önem taşıyan bir enzim sınıfıdır. Nükleik asitlerin fosfodiester omurgası üzerinde hareket ederek birbirlerine hidrojen bağlarıyla bağlanmış nükleik asit ipliklerini (DNA'nın, RNA'nın veya RNA-DNA hibritlerinin) ayrıştırır.