- def Lambda(strList):
- return list(filter(lambda s: (s.startswith("e")), strList))
- print(Lambda(["meaning", "cart", "engine", "egg"]))
The solution code is written in Python 3.
Lambda function is an anonymous function. It is a function without any name and it is started with keyword lambda. To write a lambda function to filter the string started with an 'e', we can write a lambda expression, s.startswith("e") that work on one input strList. If any word from strList started with letter "e", the word will be added into a list generated by filter function. At the end, the Lambda function will return the list of strings as output.
When we test the Lambda function using the sample string list (Line 4), we shall get ['engine', 'egg'] printed to terminal.
The "Begins With" criteria filter is what your looking for
I've just taken the test and made a 100. 3 is the most logical answer aswell, it has more of an effect than the others.
eHealth or electronic health is a digital medical platform used to connect individuals to medical treatment they so need but can not receive due to certain barriers.
The eHealth platform uses modern day technology for consultation, examination of patient's health, prescription of medication etc. But it refers patients to trusted medical facilities when the situation is critical.
All these are done electronically through the internet and has eliminated the boundaries of geographical location.