This is written in C++
Check comments for explanations
Program starts here
using namespace std;
//The function get_ap_terms begins here
string get_ap_terms(int a, int d, int size_tn)
// This line initializes the expected string to empty string
string result = "";
//The for iteration loops through the number of terms the function is expected to return
for(int i = 1; i<= size_tn;i++)
//This line checks if the loop is less than the number of terms
if(i < size_tn)
//This string gets the current term of the progression
result+=to_string(a)+ ", ";
//This line calculates the next term
//This line calculates the last term
//This line returns the string containing the first n terms of the arithmetic progression
return result;
//The main function starts here
int main()
//This line declares the first term (a), the common difference (d) and the number of terms (size_tn)
int a,d,size_tn;
//This line prompts the user for the first term
cout<<"First Term: ";
//This line gets the first term
//This line prompts the user for the common difference
cout<<"Common Difference: ";
//This line gets the common difference
//This line prompts the user for number of terms
cout<<"Number of Terms: ";
//This line gets the number of terms
//This line calls the function to print the string containing the first n terms
cout<<get_ap_terms(a, d, size_tn);
return 0;
//Program ends here