I would say that the Mayan and Aztec civilizations influence would be especially in the architecture of their buildings and pyramids. The Mayans had well laid out stone complexes complete with temples, ball courts and had carved stelae or mythical figures in the complexes. The Aztecs had pyramids also, like the Temples of the Sun and Moon at Tenochtitlan near Mexico laid out according to their astronomical observations.
The Roman Empire became less stable over the course of the Third to Fifth centuries CE. Historians point to internal divisions as well as repeated invasions from tribes such as the Huns and the Visigoths as reasons why the Empire fell. The fall of the Western Roman Empire occurred in 476 CE.
The social structure of ancient Rome was based on heredity, property, wealth, their patroni, and the number of these greeters helped determine social status.
3) Several Southern states seceded in protest.
Southerners believed Lincoln would support an abolition of slavery, which they felt would cripple the economy of the Southern agricultural states.