he industrial revolution in Europe had very different features. Belgium, one of the first industrialised countries, was able to draw on rich resources of iron ore and coal and a strong tradition of textile manufacturing. For this reason industrial development ran along similar lines to that in Great Britain.
C. Xerxes
Xerxes I, also known as Xerxes the Great, was the fifth Great King of the Achaemenid Empire (486-465 BC), son of Darius I and Atosa, daughter of Cyrus II the Great. Xerxes was designated successor to Darius I ahead of all his half brothers, older than him, and who were born before Darius ascended the throne. After being crowned in October of 486 a. C., it was victoriously faced to a rebellion in the submitted Egypt, that began in 486 a. C .. He left his brother Aquemenes as a satrap of that region, over which he exercised a repressive control.
I think the answer is b. most European immigrants such as Germans mostly settled in new York and other new England regions. good luck :)
The Silk Road was an ancient road that stretched through Asia and the Middle East, where fine goods were traded from one person to another. It opened during the Han dynasty (130 bce), but was closed in 1453 ce, when the Ottoman empire boycotted trade with the west and shut down the routes.
The ones I know for sure are
1. British Soldiers are Redcoats
2. Cloth would be textiles
3. Boston tea party would be tea
4. Those loyal to England were called Loyalists
6. George Rogers Clark captured a fort at Vincennes
8. Those loyal to America were called Patriots
9. A large mainland is called a Continent
10. A long-barreled gun would be called a musket
On 5 and 7 I 'am guessing that the answers would be that the answerer to 5. tax would be settlers since the heavy taxes that settlers in the colonies had to endure were one of the many reasons for revolution and that would leave the answerer for 7.Danger to be duty.