Sertoli cells
The Sertoli cells nourish and protect the developing sperm cells, and spermatogenesis—the developmental pathway from germ cell to mature sperm—occurs in the recesses of the Sertoli cells (Figure 19.17)
The circulatory and respiratory systems work together to circulate blood and oxygen throughout the body. Air moves in and out of the lungs through the trachea, bronchi, and bronchioles. Blood moves in and out of the lungs through the pulmonary arteries and veins that connect to the heart.
<span>Crossover is the first way that genes are shuffled to give rise to genetic diversity. Crossover takes place in sexual reproduction. Chromosomes line up side by side and break off pieces of themselves, then trade those pieces with each other. When they break at the same place (locus) in the sequence of base pairs, the result is an exchange of genes called genetic recombination. That is the normal way for crossover to occur. Genetic recombination ensures that the daughter cells produced have a different genetic makeup from the parent cell and thus diversity is created.</span>
making of food which is used by both plants and animals