This picture has many elements in it
- Alimodian⇢A municipality in Phillipines
- ECQ⇢A rule under which a specific amount of people can't assemble at a same place and all the locals are to abide by social distancing guidelines
- 13 New cases⇢It depicts 13 new cases of corona virus in the area
It shows that due to new cases in the area , people have to go under ECQ ,have to wear mask and abide by instructions regulated by the authorities.
What is bias?..............................
Through most of 1-18 its tense as the kids gather the sense of liberty from summer just starting is uneasy and now the lottery is tense. So I would say the tone Is Tense or Uneasy.
The theme to the paragraph is the pig's need for control. The pig's want control and even though they talked about equality at first they took control later. Maybe this was their whole plan. The pig's take over actions in the paragraph show how the strong-minded and easily take over the weak-minded. I am sure the pig's are not the strongest animal but they can act like it.
we cant help if no picture is given