Answer: Yes
Explanation: 19th Amendment along with John Makers Clause in the Constitution of the United States of America.
Following are the response to the given question:
In terms of ownership and confidentiality, Petronio is perfectly right. Perhaps one of my situations in life is indeed the possession of old objects which were transmitted by generations. All of these are those that have gone through generations lawfully and now are entrusted to us. According to the national legislation on such antics, it is required to be handed to the government for use inside the museum. Nevertheless, a few of my cousins are reluctant to do so as well because they strongly believe in the soul and history of my ancestors. They believe that we deserve these to be placed with us and shall not go for legal proceedings as they fear in ourselves losing the case and these valuables. Therefore the secret present within us which can bring fame and money to our family is left as it is in the form of preserving legacy and respect to forefathers. This situation is never under my control as the hard work, sweat, and blood of many people lie behind these valuables.
Answer: no tengo una respuesta concreta para clase, pero segun mi opinion habría mucha deforestacion, contaminacion, se podria afectar mucho mas la capa de ozono, entre otras cosas.
Answer: c. Something of value is offered to influence a business decision rather than an official act of government.
A bribery can be defined as the providing or giving any reward in terms of cash, property, or any other favors to influence any official act or to convince any officer to do a desirable task in once own favor. The bribery can be given to influence the decisions of the government organizations, and agencies. The major difference between bribery and commercial bribery is that bribery can influence any official for performing a specific task but in commercial bribery, bribery is given to influence government actions which can support the business in present and in future.