Inside the Manor is a land managed by feudal landlords four areas can be found in it which is the village, farmland, meadow land and wasteland.
The village is the place where the people live. The farmland is the place where the people plant and have livestock for, the meadowland is the place for the animals to graze on grass and the wasteland is the place where they kept all their garbages.
According to Gies, the motivation was simply the fact that she wanted to help and she would have felt regret, if she let innocent people die.
Till the end of her life, Gies, never considered herself a hero. She explained that it was human nature to help someone and clearly stated, that by calling her actions 'brave' or 'heroic' would put on her on a pedestal, and demotivate other people to act out kindly when needed.
Gies was Dutch and had worked with Jewish people before. She felt empathy and always thought her actions were natural, human and not at all special.
He wanted to begin a riot/revolution sadly he and his sons died in a fire fight against the union soldiers the fire fight ended around 1 am
hope this helps