This mechanism allows killer T-cells to hunt down and destroy cells that are infected with germs or that have become cancerous.
The other main type of T-cells are called helper T-cells.
Helper T-cells orchestrate an immune response and play important roles in all arms of immunity.
Since gravitational force is inversely proportional to the square of the separation distance between the two interacting objects, more separation distance will result in weaker gravitational forces. So as two objects are separated from each other, the force of gravitational attraction between them also decreases.
<h2>1. larvae</h2><h2>2. metamorphosis</h2><h2>3. juveniles</h2>
- All organisms that may be unicellular or multicellular organisms are formed or developed from a single cell.
- In the case of multicellular organisms, a single cell that is called zygote divides and changed into different stages and finally forms an individual.
- In certain organisms the young animals do not resemble their parents or adults and are called larva such as Caterpillar that is the larval stage of the butterfly.
- Such type of the mechanisms or process by which larval stage changes into adult forms is known as metamorphosis.
- When organisms look like their parents but are sexually immature then such types of organisms are called juvenile organisms.
We can confirm that the correct answer is that proteins are part of the nucleus and the cytoplasm.
<h3>What are proteins?</h3>
Proteins are macromolecules made up of amino acids linked by peptide bonds that have different biological functions such as structural, transport, enzymatic, immune, etc.
Proteins contain in their structure carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen and often also sulfur. Proteins are part of the cytoskeleton providing internal support to the cell and a road for the transport of products. And are also part of the nucleus interacting with nucleic acids through histones and ribosomes.
Therefore, we can confirm that proteins are part of the nucleus and the cytoplasm.
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