Ishmael, his brother, and their friends walk for days in hunger and silence. They pass through abandoned villages and see houses ransacked and dead bodies everywhere. Their hunger becomes all-consuming, and they are forced to return to Khalilou's house for money and provisions. They find the house destroyed, but Ishmael's tiny bag of money is still stashed under the foot of the bed.
To seek safety, the group must cross a clearing filled with dead bodies. During the crossing, something falls out of a pocket and makes enough noise to alert the rebel guards in a nearby tower. Ishmael, who has already reached the other side, watches his brother pretend to be dead among the bodies so that the guards don't shoot.
Though the boys now have money to buy food, they find that the neighbors in the nearby villages won't sell to them. Either there aren't enough provisions or the villagers are stashing supplies for their own later struggle to survive. Ishmael and his band steal food in the night.
Throughout this chapter, Ishmael's group faces struggles they've never encountered: terror, starvation, and desperation. They try to make logical decisions, such as returning to Khalilou's house to get money to buy food, but they find that logic isn't as useful during war. War brings constant change, and there is no control over the outcome. Their desperation leads them to steal food from strangers, which is something they'd never have considered before the war. Ishmael reveals their theft in the last line of the chapter as if his guilt and shame remain
Is that a question what are we supposed to solve?
The correct answer to question 1 is C. "His friends were those of his own blood or those whom he had known the longest;"
Obviously, in order to trust someone, there must be a special bond that unites them together for a long time.
The correct answer for question 2 is C. "undemonstrative at the best"
right after that sentence, it says that Mr. Utterson had a good nature.
The correct answer to question 3 is B. They do not understand why the men are friends.
People did not comprehend the bond they had as friends and they were astonished by their friendship.
I would choose Saiki K to be on my fighting team!
- 英辞郎 <3
1. The children aren't/are not awake
2. The dog isn't eating/didn't eat the bone
3. The grass didn't grow tall/The grass didn't grow