a. had to do whatever jobs were assigned
b. viewed as someone's property for life
The fall of communism in Eastern Europe saw a lot of changes in most of the countries in this region. We can take Macedonia and Serbia as examples, both being former members of Yugoslavia.
After the fall of communism, Macedonia gradually started to change its economy towards market economy, which took six years, unfortunately with lot of corruption involved in the process. Serbia, on the other hand, being led by an extreme nationalist, got involved in war and initially was not so much focused on changing as much as it was for getting new territory.
Both countries turned to parliamentary democracies. Both of them experienced war, Serbia with NATO, Macedonia with terrorist groups from Kosovo in the western part of the country. Both of the countries started gradually moving into a direction to become westernized, as well as trying to get into the organization like NATO and EU, moving away from the ''East'' politically and economically.
Lot of reforms have been done so far, and the societies have been constantly changing, as well as the politics, and it seems that both countries will enter the aforementioned organizations and finally move forward.
B. Would be correct. ......
I don’t really know what this question is for tell me about it
tchelle Ambitious
Robert M. La Follette Sr. is actually a former member of the U.S Senate. And according to him, the three groups of people that should help politicians draft laws would be retired politicians, labor leaders, and university professors. Why these three? Retired politicians already possessed the expertise in drafting laws after years of service. Labor leaders include those people who are exposed in the labor services and therefore, they know which one should be good and not and what other laws can be applied in the labor sector. Lastly, the university professors. These professors are already very knowledgeable in terms of laws and they understand the full context of the laws. Hope this answer helps.
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