Answer:With a pastry brush, brush all over with a thin layer of the melted butter. Bake the bread in a preheated 350°F oven for 45 to 55 minutes, or until deeply golden brown. Instead of using warm water (as you would with many basic bread recipes), this cinnamon roll recipe calls for warm milk. Start by combining water and yeast in the stand mixer bowl, using a dough hook. Roll into a neat rectangle no wider than the loaf pan you're going to use, and about 18 to 24 inches long. Replies to my comments It was made up of just flour, salt, yeast, and water.
The orthogonal lines in the work merge at the vanishing point. In a perspective drawing, the artist uses parallel diagonal lines which meet and diminish to a vanishing point. These lines are called orthogonal and create the perspective and a more realistic view. The vanishing point offers the painting a three-dimensional look.
Draw something that you like doing, represent you, someone you admire, a color you like.
hope that helps