I dont think so science affects our daily lives but technology does.
kids and adults mostly are busy on their phones, laptops, computers, etc. Some reasons are for work or online classes but sometimes we are too addicted to our phones. And therefore for science, I dont think it is it affects our daily lives
The answer is:
The following options benefit African consumers but not African farmers.
I. Subsidies to keep crop prices low
IV. Availability of imported grains
<em>If you were to subsidize to keep prices low, consumers would benefit exclusively because the would pay a fixed rate for their farm products. On the other hand farmers would be affected because we don't know many factors that would influence this decission. Some of these factors may be.</em>
<em>- Will there be a price fixed for certain products</em>
<em>- Will the grains be cash crops</em>
<em>- Will farmers be allowed to rotate crops</em>
<em>Without knowing these factors one can only assume that when you susidize a crop the conditions imposed on the farmers may or may not be ideal.</em>
<em>When it comes to the availability of imported grains, some of these grains may be even cheaper than local grains. This may have a negative effect on local farmers who cannot lower their prices at a loss. Consumers would definitely benefit by paying lower prices from imported crops.</em>
The woman in white is wilkie collin's fifth published novel,written in considered to be among the first mystery novels and is widely regarded as one of the first (and finest) in the genre of "sensation novels".
Jackson--his presidency was marked by the Indian Removal Act and forced migration of the Cherokee people.
Jackson supported the right of white men to land access in the Southeast. Though the Cherokee had assimilated, owned land, and had created a democratic government they were still not white and therefore not fully accepted by the American people or society. Jackson supported Georgia's efforts to relocate the Cherokee which led to the Trail of Tears and relocation to Indian Territory now the state of Oklahoma.