If the question is asking whether it is true or false, the answer is true. It is because not all women who have menstruation has the exact time when it comes to predicting or determine ovulation as there are factors considered and interrupts with these process that made it complicated and hard to determine.
He is using an arthroscope. Which is use to examine a joint.
Dinosaurs are living organisms that depends on the environment for survival. As the asteroid hits the Yucatan Peninsula area about 66 million years a couple of things can happen:
Frictional heating of the surface as the earth collided with the asteroid. This heating will cause surface temperature to rise globally and can induce the phenomenon of global warming. This can lead to release of water from reservoirs on the earth surface and hence flooding.
The impact can lead to increase in surface pressure beyond normal and that which life has adjusted to.
Debris in form of dust will be released into the atmosphere and a global air pollution will occur. Gases useful for life will be highly polluted by the vast amount of dusts and other particles discharged into the atmosphere.
It would be generation 5 in which there will be almost 100% non-singing females if there are no changes in the birds’ environment and interactions
Adenosine 5'-triphosphate, or ATP, is the most abundant energy carrier molecule in cells. This molecule is made of a nitrogen base (adenine), a ribose sugar, and three phosphate groups. The word adenosine refers to the adenine plus the ribose sugar.