I believe it is A. Teacher because that is a career.
Answer: True
Explanation: A mutation can help an organism survive in a particular environment. A mutation is a change in the nucleotide sequence of an organism. A mutation can be of three types - beneficial, harmful or neutral. A mutation is considered to be beneficial when it produces a variation that helps the organism to better adapt to its environment.
The Institutional changes between the 1960s and 1980s shifted the public policy from emphasizing public interest to upholding and satisfying the regulations. Among the greatly affected was the educational system. The structures of the different learning institutions were changed to accommodate dynamic market models and work around the expected outcomes of learning.
In history such as World History? You should be able to distinguish the trends and differences in different periods say "Period 1 vs. Period 2" where each period represents a different range of years (in AP World History I learned it with 6 periods but it varies from year to year of when it is taught)
Keep your current environment well-ventilated.
Make sure to wear a mask if needed.
Open windows and/or doors.