(2) 4%
The portfolio is considered to be less risky if its volatility is low. The higher standard deviation the more risky is the project. For Duke Energy and Microsoft the investment portfolio required is risk free investment. To calculate the risk free rate we calculate using the formula;
Var Rp = x1 2Var R1 + x2 2Var R2 +2 x1 x2 Corr (R1, R2) SD1 SD2
Var Rp = 0.14 + 0.44 + 2 (1) * (-1) * 6% * 24%
Solving for this we get the risk free investment at 4%.
Production 830,000
- FG(units)
Beginning 31,000
Ending 81,000
Sales 780,000
Production 830,000
<em>sales + ending - beginning = production</em>
<em />
We are asked for the finished good units to produce.
The raw materials are irrelevant in this question.
Answer: C $22,100
Explanation: Bank Reconciliation
8/31/10 Bank Balance $21,650
8/31/10 Deposit in transit. $3,900
8/31/10 Outstanding Chq. $2,750
8/30/10 Rtd Chq. $600
8/31/10 Bank Charges. $100
Cash book balance $22,100
The correct answer is the opportunity cost of producing a good.
The production possibility curve or frontier shows all the different bundles of two goods that can be produced using the given resources.
The opportunity cost of a good is the amount of other good sacrificed to produce this one.
The slope of production possibility curve represents the opportunity cost of producing a good.
Option B: That the agreement would be enforced because the plaintiffs' attorney had apparent authority to enter into the agreement