Net Pay $3094.10 is the answer.
Gross pay $4600
Less: Social Security (4600*6.2%) 285.20
Less: FICA (4600*1.45%) 66.70
Less: Federal tax withheld 644
Less: contribution for health insurance 50
Less: contribution for retirement plan (4600*10%) 460
Net Pay $3094.10
The total savings made by Mat and Bree in year 2014 shall be given as follow:
Total savings in 2014=Aggregate savings in 2014-Aggregate savings in 2013
Aggregate saving in 2014=$10,225
Aggregate saving in 2013=$9,500
Total savings in year 2014=$10,225-$9,500
Corporate strategy involves the types of decisions made and direction created for a company that operates multiple lines of business.
By setting the price of goods and services at a level where the suppliers and consumers feel comfortable, the quantity of goods and services supplied will be the same as the quantity of goods demanded.
A price system is a means of arranging economic activities by setting the standard prices of goods and services in that particular economy. In this way the agents of demand and supply can have an estimate of the price of various goods and services. In this way, a supplier who doesn't know the price of a goods or service that he/she plans to sell to a different country or region can use the price system to adjust their selling price effectively. On the same note, the consumers can also acquire goods and services that they have never demanded before by using the price system to determine the standard prices for those goods or services.
Prices are a reflection of the consensus between suppliers and consumers about the value of goods and services. The equilibrium price can be defined as the price where the quantity of goods supplied equals the quantity demanded. By setting the price of goods and services at a level where the suppliers and consumers feel comfortable, the quantity of goods and services supplied will be the same as the quantity of goods demanded.