The correct answer is C. self-report inventory.
A self-report inventory test is a category of personality tests in which individuals answer a series of questions about personal behavior. Self -report inventory asks questions directly about their personal interest, values, symptoms and behaviors. it may takes five to fifteen minutes to complete test.
1-metaphase, since an ecuatorial plate is formed
2.prophase since the nuclear envelope is starting to dissapear
3.Telophase since new nucleae started to form around each separated genetic material
7.anaphase since genetic material(chromsomes) is pulled to the poles of the cell
Answer: Option A and D.
Soups chemical synaptic transmission.
Sparks direct electrical transmission.
Intercellular communication refers to the communication and interaction that exists between two cells in the body. It could be hormonal or synaptic transmission.
Synapse is the site where electric nerve impulses are transmitted between two nerve impulses.
There are two synapse possibilities which are electrical and chemical.
The Sparks and soups mean that the scientific discovery over the transmission of nerve impulses as to whether they are electrical impulses (Sparks) or chemical impulses(soup).
Chemical synaptic transmission means there is no physical touch in the space chemical are released and move to the neighbouring cells.
Electrical transmission means neuron physically touch and give way for flow of impulses between cells.
Gum doesn’t get a pair Ed
The fertilized egg enters a 2-week period of cell division. during this period, the fertilized egg is known as an embryo.
Following sexual intercourse, sperms move from the vagina via the cervix and uterus to the fallopian tubes, where only a single sperm fuses with the egg.
The fertilized egg or the zygote divides constantly as it travels down the fallopian tube to the uterus. Initially, the zygote is transformed into a solid ball of cells after which it changes into a hollow ball of cells i.e. a blastocyst.
The blastocyst gets embedded in the wall of the uterus, where it evolves into an embryo connected to a placenta and enclosed by fluid-filled membranes.
To learn more about embryo here