<u>Question subitems:</u>
1. When the climber ascends the mountain before acclimating, __to restore homeostasis within the body.
2. As the climber rehydrates and rests at a basecamp, hemoglobin (Hb) is produced, which is the body's response to the stress. As a result, __
3. When the climber returns to sea level before re acclimating, __ to restore homeostasis within the body.
4. As the climber re acclimates to sea level, hemoglobin is replaced at a lower rate, decreasing hemoglobin concentrations in the blood. As a result,
1) <u> So the equilibrium will shift to release O2</u>
2) <u>The body will try to restore the amount of oxygen in blood so it will produce Hb and shift to the production of HbO2</u>
3) <u>The higher oxygen concentration will trend to increase the formation of HbO2</u>
4) <u>The equilibrium will shift to the release of O2</u>