An equilateral triangle and a right triangle are never congruent.
This is because equilateral triangles always have equal angles and right triangles always have one 90 degree angle and it is not possible to have a triangle with 3 90 degree angles.
La principal motivación para la creación de las Naciones Unidas, cuyos fundadores habían sufrido la devastación de dos guerras mundiales, fue evitar las generaciones venideras del flagelo de la guerra. Desde su creación, se ha pedido ayuda a la ONU tanto para que evite que las disputas concluyan en guerra, como que ayude a restaurar la paz cuando los conflictos armados ya han estallado o que promueva la paz duradera en sociedades que acaban de salir de una guerra.
Roosevelt revolutionized the U.S. Presidency. Many credit him with establishing the modern presidency. Speaking softly and carrying a big stick meant that American power was to be respected in domestic and international contexts. As president, he was a negotiator and peace maker as demonstrated in his successful negotiation of the Russo-Japanese War (1905), for which he won the Nobel Peace Prize. He also played an important role in Progressive Era Reforms such as the Pure Food and Drug Act.
No it is our curiosity that we learn history with fun it is true