office online
office online is a free online version of Microsoft office suite. it includes Microsoft word, Microsoft excel, Microsoft power point, one note. It allows users to create and edit files online.
Answer: Backtracking
Backtracking algorithm approaches a solution in a recursive fashion whereby it tries to build answers and modify them in time intervals as we progress through the solution. One such backtracking algorithm is the N Queen problem whereby we place N Queen in a chessboard of size NxN such that no two queens attack each other. So we place a queen and backtrack if there is a possibility that the queen is under attack from other queen. This process continues with time and thereby it tends to extend a partial solution towards the completion.
A register
Registers are small memory used to store data or values and supply them to the processor as and when needed. These register hold the data temporarily and hold small units of program instructions. So whenever the CPU wants to work on data they have to be made available through the registers. Even after a arithmetic operation the registers serve as buckets for holding the value.
There are different types of registers such as register A, B, C etc and these registers lie in close proximity to the CPU so that we could provide the data immediately and much faster when asked by the CPU.
Therefore we can say that registers are used to temporarily hold small units of program instructions and data immediately before, during, and after execution by the central processing unit (CPU).
punched-card machine
We know this as the punched-card machine, and it is also known as the Hollerith cards or the IBM cards. At that time, and through this technology, we used to punch a hole with hand or with the machine, and each hole used to represent the data and the instruction. And these were widely used for inputting the data in the early computers.