Great Plains
The Great Plains are flat lands or plain land that has no building or farmland on it. They are often covered with grass and are located in the United States and Canada.
This great plain enables wind to blow uncontrollably without hindrances because the environment are free, no houses. This inturn can be of great benefit especially in term of wind energy because wind power holds great promise for the United States because of the GREAT PLAINS and experts believe wind energy could meet as much as 20 percent of the nation’s energy needs. Therefore GREAT PLAIN are often use to conserve energy in the United State due to the environment.
GREAT PLAINS lies in west of the Mississippi River tallgrass prairie in the United States and east of the Rocky Mountains in the U.S. and Canada
Answer: by using local property taxes to fund public schools, trapping poor children in poor schools
Explanation: Jonathan Kozol is an American writer, educator, and activist best known for his publications on public education in the United States. In savage inequalities, Kozol pointed out how students from poor family background are trapped in poorly funded schools since public school funding comes from local property taxes which vary widely between communities.
The basis of Kozol's argument is the comparisons between rich and poor school districts, in particular the amount of money spent per child. School districts with relatively wealthy property-owners are spending over $20,000 per year per child while school districts where poor people live spend about $11,000 per year per child.
The pertinent question he asks is whether it is fair or right that the place of one's birth or residence should determine the quality of education a child is entitled to.
Absolute monarchy, an absolute monarchy is where families inherit the power
The two characteristics of settlements that are mos closely linked to Walter Christaller's central place theory are (A) the size of a settlement and the services it can offer and (<span>b) the income per capita of a settlement and its cost of living.
Central Place theory refers to a geographical theory where in an urban system, the number size and location of human settlements matter in economy.
Answer: it's true caffeine has effect on sleep hours.
Explanation: Caffeine affects sleep time only depending on the time you take it example: taking it in very early in the afternoon or evening. Research has shown that if one takes caffeine 6 hours before going to bed, it will reduce sleep by 1 hour. If an already tired individual maybe tired from the day's work take caffeine, it affects them also by depriving them of sleep.i sleeping 5 to 6 Hours daily is not really caused by caffeine but can be cause also by fatigue, intensity of artificial light, anxiety, depression or other factors.