Well depending on the story, you could have asked all of em, but mostly you should use D) What will the readers reaction be to my story? because if this is a school thing, your teacher is going to be reading 30 of the (most likely) similar or same thing. or A) What was the purpose of my story, and did I achieve that purpose? Is because Teachers use a grading scale and they may use your story as an example to another class on what to do or what not to do, so you may want to be careful.
I view English being my strength subject and it helps me to increase my happiness because my confidence is increased.
Well, firstly, I need to see the essay but in my opinion from what you are saying I think that the title is something to do with the story. So, "Cinderella, the Legend" so, it might be a Legend. It doesn't say The Great Cinderella or something which means the author has a normal feeling about it and doesn't think it's good neithier bad so, the author has a neutral feeling about Cinderella. I hope this helps! ^^
~ Kana (my hands hurted from writing this badly ;-;)
The cockroach seemed less scared the teacher