An atlas is a book that contains many maps.
The series titled 'Hated in the Nation'(Black Mirror) by Charlie Brooker displays the investigation of a series of deaths performed by the detectives, Blue Coulson and Karin Parke. The deaths were a consequence of the hatred that emerged from social media. It primarily displays the issue of cyberbullying and the technological plague that aimed to target the trending subjects on social media(used #s) and killing them.
Rhymes the second and fourth lines
Answer: Most likely B, A dream, like a child, can be hurt if treated too roughly.
Personification is the act of comparing an inanimate object to something animate. For example, "The tree danced" Trees cant dance, but they can blow around from side to side in wind. So instead of saying the tree's leaves were affected by the wind or any other thing, you could at a poetic element and say it danced.