<span>In cases of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), compulsions frequently accompany obsessions and appear to serve the function of reducing the anxiety created by such disturbing thoughts.
Compulsions are repetitive physical actions or behavior that are repeatedly performed in order to lessen the stress caused by anxiety from obsessions.</span>
The brain area pinpointed is known to be intimately involved in some of the most advanced planning and decision-making processes that we think of as being especially human.
'We tend to think that being able to plan into the future, be flexible in our approach and learn from others are things that are particularly impressive about humans. We've identified an area of the brain that appears to be uniquely human and is likely to have something to do with these cognitive powers,' says senior researcher Professor Matthew Rushworth of Oxford University's Department of Experimental Psychology.
MRI imaging of 25 adult volunteers was used to identify key components in the ventrolateral frontal cortex area of the human brain, and how these components were connected up with other brain areas. The results were then compared to equivalent MRI data from 25 macaque monkeys.
This ventrolateral frontal cortex area of the brain is involved in many of the highest aspects of cognition and language, and is only present in humans and other primates. Some parts are implicated in psychiatric conditions like ADHD, drug addiction or compulsive behaviour disorders. Language is affected when other parts are damaged after stroke or neurodegenerative disease. A better understanding of the neural connections and networks involved should help the understanding of changes in the brain that go along with these conditions.
The Oxford University researchers report their findings in the science journal Neuron.
Professor Rushworth explains: 'The brain is a mosaic of interlinked areas. We wanted to look at this very important region of the frontal part of the brain and see how many tiles there are and where they are placed.
'We also looked at the connections of each tile -- how they are wired up to the rest of the brain -- as it is these connections that determine the information that can reach that component part and the influence that part can have on other brain regions.'
From the MRI data, the researchers were able to divide the human ventrolateral frontal cortex into 12 areas that were consistent across all the individuals.
the old kingdom last from 2700_2200 the middle kingdom lasted from 2100-1800,while the new kingdom was from 1500_1000,during the new kingdom the Egyptian experience a new type region
between the Ethiopian military junta known as the Derg and Ethiopian-Eritrean anti-government.
The correct answer is the letter c. "The angels, not half so happy in Heaven, Went envying her and me…"
The narrator suggests that the supernatural beings responsible for Annabel Lee's death are angels. This statement is made explicit in item C, where the narrator suggests that, moved by envy and unhappy in heaven, angels were responsible for his death.