That they were trying to steal there land
Answer: Americans faced a similar moment of chaos after the Revolution. One Connecticut preacher noted that Moses took 40 years to quell the Israelites' grumbling: Now "we are acting the same stupid part." And so just as a reluctant Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt, then handed down the Ten Commandments, a reluctant George Washington led the colonists to victory, then presided over the drafting of the Constitution. The parallel was not lost. Two-thirds of the eulogies at Washington's death compared the "leader and father of the American nation" to the "first conductor of the Jewish nation."
An interest test <span>is used to determine things in which you are personally interested. Typically a person is given the choice between two or more options and asked to decide which appeals to them. Test takers may also be asked if a particular statement applies to them or not. While an interest test might help you find what career is right for you, this is not always the case. For example you may have an interest in writing, but do not have the correct skill set to be successful in a writing career.</span>
with violence
he disagreed with MLK and thought the fastest way was to demand it with violence