The correct answer for this one is this: "D. the only change required is to save the document as a PDF." E<span>lectronic or scanned resume different from a printed resume is that electronic or scanned resume should be saved as PDF to avoid other people from editing it. In printed one, there's no problem because it's already final.</span>
D-Day called for one of the most critical spread and focus strategies in history. The Allies needed an entry into Europe that would maximize their chances of success while minimizing the risk to lives and military assets. The map of Europe prior to D-Day illustrates how they arrived at their brilliant solution.
In addition to the potential threat Iraq posed to the U.S., Pres. Bush had to take into consideration the threat against U.S. allies in the region. The 2003 invasion of Iraq resulted in the arrest of Saddam Hussein and the removal of his regime.