Although a user directory is treated as a file, it is flagged to indicate to the file manager that this file is really a subdirectory whose records are filenames that point to files.
Taco bell...........................................................................................................................................................................
The program is
num = int(input("Enter Numerator "))
den = int(input("Enter Denominator "))
print("quotient is ",str(num//den)," remainder is ", str(num%den))
How to create a division sign in HTML?</h3>
To create a division sign ( ÷ ) in HTML you can use any of the following codes.
How to divide in computer programming?</h3>
Perl code
use strict;
my $first = 15;
my $second = 5;
my $answer = $first / $second;
print "You get $answer if you divide $first by $second";
When the script above is run, it displays "You get 3 if you divide 15 by 5" on the screen.
To learn more about programming, refer
Companies often engage the services of Advertising firms to market their products. Company web offerings can be tailor-made for the consumers.
- Advertising agencies are firms that makes, plan and handle the advertising needs of any business. They are known for handling negotiations creating tailored marketing campaigns.
A lot of agencies do not want to talk about pricing until they know what you can afford to spend.
Tailored content are delivered experiences that speak directly to customers.
This agencies uses their connections and resources to make one's campaign successful and cost-efficient.
Learn more from
Program p1;
var a,b,c,d : integer; {i presume you give integer numbers for the values of a, b, c }
x1, x2 : real;
write('a='); readln(a);
write('b='); readln(b);
d:=b*b - 4*a*c
if a=0 then x1=x2= - c/b
if d>0 then begin
x1:=(-b+sqrt(d)) / (2*a);
x2:=(-b - sqrt(d))/(2*a);
else if d=0 then x1=x2= - b /(2*a)
else write ("no specific solution because d<0");
writeln('x1=', x1);