Kayla could use “save as” to rename the document.
One example of syntax in Logo is “[”. Two examples of Java are “;” and “{“or “}”. If you don’t use these parts of syntax then you could get a Syntax error, this will make you have to stop the code and debug.
INSERT INTO Movie(Title,Rating,ReleaseDate)
VALUES("Raiders of the Lost ArkPG",'PG',DATE '1981-06-15'),
("The Godfaher",'R',DATE '1972-03-24'),
("The Pursuit of Happyness",'PG-13',DATE '2006-12-15');
The SQL statement uses the "INSERT" clause to added data to the movie table. It uses the single insert statement to add multiple movies by separating the movies in a comma and their details in parenthesis.
num1 = int(input("Enter number 1: "))
num2 = int(input("Enter number 2: "))
choice = input("Do you want to multiply them?: ")
if choice.capitalize() == "Yes":
print(num1 * num2)
print("Peace out.")
Gg ez.
(I wrote the it in python because I don't know what language you want it in. Next time, say what language you want.)