It was pesident Franklin D. Roosevelt who took the first steps to reach racial equality, but they were not enought. Nevertheless, during the period of president Harry S. Truman great efforts were made in this direction. Truman established a committee on Civil Rights. This was not well seen by the southern Democrats who <em>opposed firmly to the new civil rights</em>. They decided to form a new party, called <em>Dixiecrats</em>, an extremely (racially) conservative party. They even <em>intended to reach the White House</em>, naming a presidential candidate in 1948, however, they <em>did not successed</em>.
The concept of "total war" refers to a type of armed conflict that is bound by no rules or limitations in terms of who is being attacked, the weapons that are used or the elements of society that will be sacrificed to win it.
Engaging in this type of war can have some benefits, such as:
- There is no need for the government to define its objectives clearly.
- Because of it, there is no accountability between the government and its citizens, which gives them free reign of action.
- Countries with a strong military can use their full power.
However, the costs far outweigh the benefits:
- Increased cost of human lives, from all parties involved.
- The destruction of all civil society.
- Because civil society is so disrupted, government institutions are likely to collapse as well.
- Extremely difficult recovery process, both politically as economically.
- Complete depletion of the country's resources.
- Violation of human rights and the laws of just war.
- Closes the door to any peaceful solution.
There is rarely, if ever, a situation in which a total war provides benefits that would outweigh the costs of it, or that would not be achieved through some other means.
Native Americans . Teton Sioux Indians. PBS. At the time of the Lewis and Clark expedition, the Teton Sioux occupied two villages near present-day Pierre, South Dakota. so South Dakota
So that they can establish a government and all form a
Domestic American during World War II: Research Opportunities for Historians, So understood, a culture had to be viewed holistically, for Allport wrote that a preexisting attitude so strong that it "seriously distorts perception and.