c. CNS
The Central Nervous System (CNS) is responsible for receiving and transmitting information throughout the body. We can define it with the command center that coordinates the activities of the body. It consists of the brain and spinal cord, which are protected by the skull and spine respectively.
Both structures are reinforced by three connective blades, called meninges. They are: dura mater, arachnoid and pia mater. Between the last two there is a fluid that is responsible for the nutrition of the CNS and the minimization of possible trauma caused by mechanical shocks.
The correct answer will be option-A and B.
Transcription is a process which synthesizes a complementary molecule of DNA which acts a messenger called RNA.
The gene contains a sequence of the nucleotide at the beginning of gene called promoter sequence. The promoter sequence has the ability to attach an RNA synthesizing enzyme called RNA polymerase.
The RNA polymerase is the enzyme which synthesizes the RNA molecules using a single strand of DNA called template strand. RNA polymerase binds nucleotide at 3' end of the strand thus proceeding the strand in 5' to 3' direction.
The promoter and RNA polymerase begins the process of transcription and thus option-A and B is the correct answer.
Drought is 19%
Flooding is 9%
Freeze is 2%
Severe storm is 15%
Tropical cyclone is 48%
Wildfire is 3%
Winter storm is 4%
220 + 108 + 25 + 178 + 550 +31 + 41 = 1153
Basically, you take the number of each natural disaster plus it all together. That is your total.
You then take individually the number and divide it by the total (1153), once you get a decimal number you times it by 100. Which give you the percent
You then do this for the rest of the other natural disasters.
Hoped this helped!
A) The striations are due to the orderly arrangement of actin and myosin
Smooth muscles are non-striated involuntary muscles which are found in the walls of stomach, urinary bladder, blood vessels...Smooth muscle tissue is composed of spindle-shaped muscle cells with single central nucleus. Like the other two type of muscles (cardiac and skeletal), smooth muscles also have four main functions:
- Contractility-ability to contract. In the case of skeletal muscles it is voluntary, while in cardiac and smooth muscles it is unconscious.
- Excitability-ability to change membrane potential usually by the influence of nervous impulse.
- Extensibility-the capacity to lengthen
- Elasticity-ability to change its length and then return to previous.