PLEASE HELP EDIT MY ESSAY PEOPLE!!: I'm about eighteen years old. It was at school. Since the beginning of school I already feel
that I need to poop but I don't want to poop at school. It was last period, I can't help it I feel I need to poop.I was sitting.I felt I could still hold this on, but I was wrong. Suddenly poop came out of my butt. At first, the class thought It was just a fart. But they noticed the smell won't go. My teacher already knew it was me. The class was shouting "who ever pooped please get out of the class!" And everybody was laughing, so I laughed along because I thought maybe nobody won't notice. Then they started playing games trying to figure out who pooped. I decided maybe they won't notice. The bell rang, but we still have extra-curricular class good for one hour. The teacher went out and everybody is still curious. When the teacher went out, she called me to go outside the room. She said, go to the bathroom quickly. So I went. I wiped all of of the poop. When I returned for the extra curricular class, everybody felt sorry but I know they was teasing me behind my back. I went absent the next day. When I returned, I acted normal. They said nothing but I know behind my back they are talking to me. It was at least a week until the day came they all teased me. I tried to laugh along but I really want to cry. Now they keep teasing me. I used to be one of the cool guys in the class, but now I am the boy-who-pooped-in-his-pants-acting-as-if-he-was cool-and-we-can't-tease-that-to-him-because-we-feel-sorry. I don't know what to do. How do I let go of this memories and face the teasing? :(
When reading this story I kinda giggled but then felt sorry. You have to tell people that is was not on purpose and if the keep messing with you you have to get up and hit that person where it hurts really badly and tell them to LEAVE YOU THE H ALONE or you'll kick them again. ( You might get in trouble for this but do it any way stick up for yourself.)
Well my best advice is to move on and just ignore them cause when you grow up and look back at those days you will realise that it is just one of those small embarrassing things as life has bigger and better things for you. You will later laugh at these things and remember those days.
Chris responds to the information by turning on the father he had heretofore idolized. ... Chris is unwilling to acknowledge that his father could be guilty because he does not imagine that he, himself, could be so moral himself, if his father is not.