B. Forbidden.
The word "taboo" refers to anything that is 'illegal', 'forbidden', or 'prohibited' from being spoken out. It usually has a negative connotation in its use. And it is used for any word, topic, or even anything that a person is prohibited or forbidden from talking about it. The reason for its prohibition can either be repulsive or it is too sacred for it to be openly spoken about.
Synonyms are those words that have the same meaning with the original or given word. And in the given passage, the word that best offers the synonym for the word "taboo" is "forbidden".
The tone of the poem changes in the last two lines.
The given excerpt is taken from Sonnet 17, written by William Shakespeare. The sonnet is the last of the 'Procreation sonnet.' Through the medium of sonnets, the Sonneteer is trying to persuade the Fair Youth to marry him and <em>procreate </em>a child with him.
The Sonneteer is concerned that the poems that he has written describing the beauty of the Fair Youth, will be considered false by readers. Therefore, he persuades the Fair Youth to birth his child, who will testify on his behalf in the future.
This shift in the tone is seen in the last two lines of the sonnet.
The best revision would be the rule of 3/3
Divide in three rows,3 columns
The author is trying to say, the person being described has two defining characters. At a point in time, he can be very lively and animated. Some other times, he is withdrawn, cool and lonely.
The figure of speech to describe this is an OXYMORON.
He uses aggressive and argumentative language. He appeals to the community's sense of pride. he uses powerful imagery