Abraham Lincoln's Gettysbury Address is perhaps the most iconic and famous speeches in the history of the United States.
It the address took place just 4 and a half months after the end of the Civil War, at the time when the United States was struggling to find a national way forward.
The aim of the Address was to provide hope to the American people and give them a vision of a brighter future. It was addressed both at the Southerners and the people in the North.
A whole generation had seen war, death and misery and the future for many, was not so great.
The overall message of the address was to tell every American, that their right to life, liberty and freedom will be respected and that their country will keep on prospering.
The address wanted people to look at the end of the Civil War as an opportunity for a New America.
The major difference between Europe and the Pacific was the approach. In Europe, the Allies needed to make one major landing before engaging in traditional land battle.
The Pacific theatre forced the Allies to make landing after landing and then hold territory on their way to Japan.
The US one in the Pacific by taking key islands and using airplanes to control the region.
The Nazi's were a group of people who wanted to feel like they are the best. People of disabilities were in the Nazi's way. Thus, they felt justified when murdering these innocent people. People with disabilities faced some of the common consequences as Jews or Gypsies. Hope this helped :)
It led to the prohibition of the sale of alcohol.
The Temperance Movement was a movement that advocated for the outlaw of alcohol. In 1920 the Prohibition Amendment rendered the movement successful.
Correct answer:
<h2>False</h2><h3 />
"Executive privilege" refers to a privilege held by the <u>EXECUTIVE</u> branch of government. The Supreme Court heads the judicial branch. The President heads the executive branch.
The Constitution of the United States asserts (in Article II, Section 1): "The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America." The role of chief executive means that the President holds the primary administrative role in the federal government.
According to National Public Radio (NPR), "Nowhere does the Constitution mention the term or the concept of executive privilege." That hasn't stopped Presidents from asserting they have such a privilege. NPR notes that "President Dwight Eisenhower was the first president to coin the phrase 'executive privilege,' but not the first to invoke its principle: namely, that a president has the right to withhold certain information from Congress, the courts or anyone else — even when faced with a subpoena." Already in the administration of our first president, George Washington, such a claim was made. In that instance, Washington lost the argument and was required to hand over documents that Congress had requested about an expedition against American Indian tribes along the Ohio River.