Because in the time before the 19th amendment many people thought that woman were incapable so they shouldn't have the write to choose the nations leaders.
1. If a man brings an accusation against another man, charging him with murder, but cannot prove it, the accuser shall be put to death.
2. If a man has accused another of laying a spell upon him, but has not proved it, the accused shall go to the sacred river, he shall plunge into the sacred river, and if the sacred river shall conquer him, he that accused him shall take possession of his house. If the sacred river shall show his innocence and he is saved, his accuser shall be put to death.
3. If a man bears false witness in a case, or does not establish the testimony that he has given, if that case is case
The warring sides in Angola used the media as an ideological weapon.
Senibina menunjukkan budaya sesebuah negara.
Roosevelt launched the new deal.