Drea shouldn't drink any. Her "friends" are liars too.
Drea was just minding her business, and then her friends come along and try to pressure her?! Obviously, they're not her friends. They full face, through the yellow of their alcohol soaked teeth lied to her! Alcohol has a terrible impact on the body, and they wanted to put that on their friend? Not cool.
It is important to stretch before exercising because for example if you were to be doing a strenuous workout it causes the blood vessels in your legs to expand. Which then causes more blood into your legs and feet. If you were to stop after a while of exercising your heart rate slows down and blood can pool into your lower body which could cause you to possibly faint.
They often blame someone else for something they did. They can also give a reason for why they can or cannot do something. They also make excuses.