The production exhibit both scope economics and scale economics. They are not mutually exclusive.
Looking at the scenario critically, we will clearly see the tendency of a scope economics. Scope economics basically hinges on getting a competitive advantage, essentially because of producing in large quantities and numbers. Riverside Ranger logo T-shirts exhibits this as it produce its products in large numbers, producing 1000 pieces of a particular design in 1 hour.
In same breath, we also have the scale economics exhibited by the organization. Taking a deeper look at the cost representation, we will see that the average cost tend to reduce as the production increases. Thus, an economic of scale is achieved here by leveraging on the mass and swift production style of Riverside Rangers logo T-shirts.
True. Good management can lead to the success of a business entity with the aid of a field research analyst and the viability of the functions of management. Having good management directly relates to having a smooth running operation. The management team makes sure their individual groups are operating how they should and working efficiently for the overall goals to be met.
1: Criticism
2: Parody
3: News Reporting
4: Research, Scholarship
5: Teaching
Fair use allows limited use of copyrighted material without permission from the copyright holder for purposes such as criticism, parody, news reporting, research and scholarship, and teaching. There are four factors to consider when determining whether your use is a fair one.
D. Increase; increase
Exchange rate is defined as the amount of one currency that can be exchanged for another currency at a particular time.
Demand and supply affects exchange rates of currencies.
Currencies that are in more demand tend to have higher exchange rates, while those with low demand will have low exchange rate.
In this instance an increase in preference for US goods will cause an increased demand for dollars. The dollar becomes stronger against the Peso.
It will take more pesos to purchase the dollar, so equillibrum exchange rate of peso to dollar will increase.